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All Seasons Chiropractic In The Media

As part of Dr. Trevor’s desire to create a wellness community within and outside his office, he partnered with Goldenwest Radio to create educational spots to be broadcast locally in 2013 and 2014. Have a listen!

Clip #1 Cancer Killer edition – November 2013

In this clip, Dr. Trevor, D.C. encourages men to make meaningful lifestyle change to avoid getting prostate (or any) cancer rather than just growing facial hair for “Movember”.

Clip #2 Christmas Stress edited – December 2013

In this clip, Dr. Trevor, D.C. discusses the importance of valuing your health during the stressful Christmas holiday season, including avoiding weight gain, limiting stress and staying illness-free.

Clip #3 New Year’s Resolutions – December 2013

In this clip, Dr. Trevor , D.C. addresses the key problems with most New Years’ Resolutions and why they most often fail. He raises the importance of determining your “Big Why” in order to make lifestyle changes that truly stick.

Clip #4 – New Year’s Resolutions – January 2014

In this clip, Dr. Trevor outlines how to create meaningful goals for a new year with a particular focus on establishing health goals that are actually achievable.

Clip #5 Health – January 2014

In this clip, Dr. Trevor discusses the real definition of health and the importance of ensuring optimal nervous system functioning and spinal structure to maintain and build true health.

Clip #6 Does how you feel determine how healthy you are? – February 2014

In this clip, Dr. Trevor, D.C. talks about the problem with defining health by how we feel. He touches upon the true cause of disease and the dangers of waiting for a health problem to surface before we start taking care of ourselves.

Clip #7 – Maximized Living & Cold Weather and Health – February 2014

In this clip Dr. Trevor, D.C. discusses the Health Care Delivery System used by his office to help his patients achieve their health goals. He also talks about the impact of the cold weather on our mindset and how that can result in ill health.

Clip #8 Healthy Spring – March 2014

In this clip, Dr. Trevor, D.C. points out “we are what we think” and that we can maximize our life through the choices that we make.

Clip #9 Spring Strains – May 2014

In this clip, Dr. Trevor, D.C. discusses the importance of keeping your body conditioned, your spine ‘tuned up’ and using good spinal mechanics before jumping enthusiastically into spring activities after our long winter ends.

All Seasons Chiropractic | (204) 326-5800